Thursday, March 01, 2007

Being Romantic

I have long believed that romance is not just a factor of being in love with a person. It is about being in awe of somebody or something that you can't imagine anything else.
Some would compare this to optimism. But being romantic is more than just being optimistic. Optimism still has an amount of sanity attached to it. It is about weighing your options and trying to get to something by a little stretch. Romantic nature throws all caution to wind. It’s about going head on to a problem which most feel is impossible.
It is about ridiculous solutions. Solutions, that do not conform to the universal goings on. Solutions that 99% of the times would go wrong. But the 1% of success would make people sit up and acknowledge in disbelief.
Romanticizing a task is not like a toggle switch. It requires a thorough belief that you can do it. It’s about finding the child inside you and looking at the problem through his eyes. The enormous nature of the problem will never deter you then. You will look for various ways of conquering the problem. It is like looking for the mystical eye of the fish.
All of us believe in something’s which others might think is stupidity. That is the beginning of this romance. It’s about being so stupid in your belief that others' comments don't matter. It’s about reaching the higher state of mind.
Wright Brothers couldn’t have flown the world’s first airplane. Graham Bell couldn’t have invented the telephone; Gandhi couldn’t have raised the hopes of millions; India couldn’t have beaten the World Champion West Indies in the 1983 Cricket World Cup, if they had not been so much in love with their dreams.
To me Tiger Woods is an apt example of a romantic. In a rich white man's game, who would have thought that a demure looking, not-so rich, black man would make a cut so big that the game would be popular for the coming years because Tiger Woods played it.
And on a more recent turn of events, when Tiger was at his peak, that someone came from behind and defeated him in the US PGA, was unexpected.
These upset's to the norm, and the sweet, tempting, taste of success is what inspires romanticism. And once you succeed, it slowly becomes your life blood.
The adrenaline levels peak on seeing a difficult situation. Mind starts looking for ways to tackle it. And the voices of naysayer become blurred as you take the plunge.
The world stands still as your face hits the surface of water and you go deep inside.
As soon as you start the ascent back that you realize that everyone was rooting for you to do it, deep down inside their hearts.
The applause has no meaning now.
You have won over your demons and gotten ahead of the pack.
So next time just don’t worry when they tell you it is impossible and you are mad to even think about it. Just ignore them. Because, getting back with the pack is the easiest then. They will show you a lot of carrots to leave your dreams. But if you leave it then, you will live your life with a broken belief and a permanent tag of “Could Have Been.”
Just don’t stop. Go ahead. Hit it with all you have till the time either the problem gives in or you do.
But believe me there is no problem which can stand the force of a romantic, of a dreamer.
So get up and hit it again!!
We are all romantics at some level. As I said earlier, It’s about finding the child.
Have you found the child inside you?

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